28 January 2014 at 11:55PM
From your President
I hope everyone is enjoying this St. Louis winter weather! Personally, I’m ready for spring. The Metro St. Louis Board of Directors (Vice Presidents and Directors) met on Saturday, January 25 to review our 2013 accomplishments and discuss the plans for 2014 using the Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2015. We also were asked by our consultant, Jane Klieve, to use building blocks to illustrate what we think our chapter will look like in the future. The beginning of the structure depicts the leadership and the back two parts of the structure are the volunteers and the membership. This structure is on wheels to show that we are moving forward. And by the way, it really did move. The participants decided to use all of their resources (blocks) available to them (as good PMs should). They also mixed up the colors of the structure to depict the diversity of the chapter. Notice how tall the structure is; that shows our growth over the next few years. They had fun putting this together and it served as a great team building exercise.
The board is working on the 2013 Annual Report. It will be available at the February 19 dinner meeting. If you are unable to make the February dinner meeting, stop by the Membership Table in March or April and pick one up. I think you will find it very informative!
We will celebrate our 20th anniversary as a chapter this year. Watch our web site (pmistl.mg2project.com) for some upcoming events.
The PMI Metro St. Louis Chapter has funded a scholarship through the PMI Educational Foundation. See the chapter web site page or the PMI Educational Foundation Scholarship page (http://www.pmi.org/pmief/scholarship/) for more information. Scholarship applications are taken through the Educational Foundation web site.
Are you thinking about volunteering, but don’t know how to find out what is available with the Metro St. Louis Chapter? Check PMI’s VRMS for openings, descriptions, and timeframes. You can also ask chapter volunteers about their experiences and what is available on their team.